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  4. How To Add Site Color and Theme Styling (PRO)

How To Add Site Color and Theme Styling (PRO)

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> WP Theme Styling.

Predefined Color Scheme:

  • Select Theme Colors: You can select predefined colors to customize colors such as link color, buttons, text color, hover colors, etc.

Custom Color:

  • Custom Color Enable/Disable: You can apply custom colors instead of predefined colors for the whole site content.

Layout And Background:

  • Select Layout: The WpBusinessPress Pro WordPress theme comes with 2 main layouts for your site, Full-Width or Boxed. So you can select full-width and boxed layout as you display site content.
  • Site Background: You can select a background image or pattern to show the background in the body. And you need to select a box layout to display an image background of the site.