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How to Add Blogs/Posts

How to Add a New Post in WordPress

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Sections >> Blog.

Blog Options:

  • Enable/Disable – This Feature allows you to Hide/Show the Blog section on the homepage.
  • Section Title: Add Title of the Blog Section.
  • Section Description: Add your Description of the Blog Section.
  • Blog Category: Select your blog post category as you want to display the post on the Homepage Blog Section.
  • Button Text: You can add the Button in the homepage blog section to click to view all posts.
  • Button Link: Add button link.
  • Open New Tab Enable/Disable: By using this feature you can set the button target link to show the page as per the requirement.
  • Column Layout: Display the blog Layout 2, 3, and 4 Columns.
  • Container Width: We have provided the Homepage Blog section width in two modes Container and Container-Full. You can select your desired container width as per the requirement.