Capture YouTube Video Poster

Capture YouTube/Vimeo Video Poster

Capture YouTube Video Poster And Capture Vimeo Video Poster We are explaining some basic and easy steps to Capture YouTube Video Poster and Vimeo Poster of any YouTube or Vimeo video. You only need an image capture tool like Windows Image Editor, Snagit, MS Paint for capture and make a…

Get YouTube video id and Vimeo id

How To Get YouTube And Vimeo Video ID?

Get YouTube video ID & Vimeo Video ID Step 1.  Go to the YouTube/Vimeo site. Step 2.  When you open YouTube and Vimeo you will see something like this, now search which video you want to add into video gallery plugin. [caption id="attachment_6377" align="aligncenter" width="1257"] Search Video On YouTube[/caption]…

Get Google reCaptcha Site Key And Secret Key

Get Google reCaptcha Site Key And Secret Key

Get Google reCaptcha Site Key And Secret Key Step 1. Go to Google reCaptcha platform to CLICK HERE. Step 2. After opening Google reCaptcha website, click on "Admin Console" blue button at the top right side.   Step 3. Sign In into your google account to proceed next into reCaptcha dashboard. Step…

Create Facebook Likebox Widget Plugin Application ID

Create A New App ID – Facebook Application ID

A very easy tutorial to get your Facebook application ID using own Facebook account. Facebook application id used to run applications those uses Facebook scripts. It can be a plugin, extension, application or something that uses Facebook programming language. (more…)

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