Top 10 WordPress Books To Start Learning

Top 10 WordPress Books To Start Learning

Are you looking for best WordPress books to learn? Books are the person's best friend they always gives you something to learn and never ask for anything in return. Books are helpful for self-learning and acquiring a quick peek to valuable content one is looking for. When it comes…

Top Instagram Trends In Content Marketing

Top Instagram Trends In Content Marketing 2019

By now you have probably realized that your marketing strategy won’t reach its full potential without Instagram. This influential social media platform has over 1 billion monthly users and 50% of them go through their feed each day. Like any marketing channel, Instagram deserves special attention and personalized content.…

Magento vs. WooCommerce - Which One Is Better?

Magento vs. WooCommerce – Which One Is Better?

In a world full of shopping carts, all the platforms are having their own set of positive and negative attributes. While some may disappoint you with feature limitations and some on maintenance. As an amateur, looking out for an e-commerce platform that is cost-effective and reliable can be difficult,…

Handwriting vs Typing Whats Better

Handwriting vs. Typing: What’s Better?

To echo the words of David Warlick, technology is a necessity for every classroom, student and teacher as not only does it inform development but also provides a better experience of the world. When it comes to note taking, however, there is a heated debate over handwriting and typing.…


Agile Application Development Model And The Salesforce DX Edge

The agile development method is a software development model, which is a version of an incremental developmental model. In this approach, applications are developed in rapid cycles, incrementally. This enables small incremental releases from time to time with each building on the previous functionality and enhancing it. Each such…

How To Use Live Chat To Boost E-Commerce Sales

How To Use Live Chat To Boost E-Commerce Sales

Have you heard of the age-old sales mantra, “People buy from people.”? Even in a hyper-digital world where brick-and-mortar shops are increasingly being replaced by their digital counterparts, this holds more relevance than ever before. If your aim is to simply create a website funnel and optimise it for…

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