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Four Digital Tools Every Business Needs in 2020

Four Digital Tools Every Business Needs in 2020

There is no doubt that the digital age has brought with it untold benefits for the world of business. From enabling paperless filing systems to conference calls and communications around the globe, it’s been truly revolutionary for the way we work. And during this time of the COVID-19 lockdown,…

Why Should I Use Automated Testing

Why Should I Use Automated Testing?

Creating software means you are building a program that could make someone’s working or home life just that little bit easier - but are you using all the tools that are available to you, and ensuring that you’re working as efficiently as you can? If not, then you could…

Reasons To Use BPM Tools

Four Reasons To Use BPM Tools

Have you been thinking of implementing business process management - or BPM - to your way of working? If you have, then you could find this to be a very different way of operating compared with what you’re used to. So, should you have any concerns?Not at all! There…

The Benefits of Using a VPN

The Benefits of Using a VPN

The internet is exploding—reaching new milestones. People can now get any information they want. You can now work from home. Amazing, right? Well, these are the good sides of the internet. Now to the bad sides—your information can be stolen. You can be cyberbullied. Your online activities can be…

Best Domain Name Search Tools

Domain Name Search Tools – AWPLIFE Blog

Choosing a domain name can be challenging because first you need to come up with an idea, and then you have to check the availability of that particular domain name. Since so many good and famous domain names are already taken, often beginners feel stuck. Wouldn't it be great…

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