Did you know that your users will make up their minds whether to stay on your site within the first 5 seconds? This presents a problem, but also an opportunity. You need to get your layout right, your visual content and images perfect, and the loading times as fast as possible. Once these are all up to speed, you’re also going to need to pay attention to your written content. Let’s take a look at why it matters, and how you can really start to rock it.
What types of written content are there?
Let’s start with an easy one. There are several different forms your written content will take, and you can easily identify them by taking a quick look at the list below:
- Headlines are there to catch the eye
- Taglines position your brand and give the reader greater insight
- Page copy is the bulk of your written content
- Subheadings help breakup your page copy so it’s more easily navigable
- And last but not least, calls to action push the reader to take action: purchase, signup, subscribe, get in touch, and so on
It’s clear that if you want your site to be a success, you need all of the above working in perfect harmony…
Why does written content matter?
Written content is what informs the reader, and gives them the fine details that they won’t get from any other type of content. It’s less glamorous than visual content, but it’s what will really elevate your WordPress site and allow you to take things to the next level.
If you don’t get it right then you’ll end up doing at least one of the following:
- Confusing your readers with text that lacks the required level of clarity and detail
- Boring your readers by repeating yourself over and over again for no good reason
- Diluting the quality of your brand by posting text that doesn’t fit in with the core aims of your business
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the tools that will help you create stunning text.
If you want to be able to create grammatically correct free-flowing text then Grammarly is a great tool to have in your arsenal. It provides real-time feedback on the text you input, and will help you create clean and crisp turns of phrase that do your site justice. It even comes complete with a built-in plagiarism AI detector that will help you check the quality and authenticity of any work you purchase from third parties.
The Hemingway App
This is another great tool that you want to have in your toolbox when you’re putting together your new site. It specializes in showing you ways to improve sentences that are already formally and grammatically correct. This can be particularly helpful if you’re looking to condense your text, and get your message out there in as few words as possible. Spend a little more time on it than your instincts tell you, and you’ll be amazed at the difference you see in the finished product.
A Professional Copywriter
You could say this one doesn’t really belong on this list as it’s not an online tool as such, but there’s still space in the world for a traditional copywriter. The most important thing is to find someone who understands the ethos of your brand, and is able to communicate your message in a way that you feel happy with. It might take a few trial pieces of work to find the right copywriter, but when you do it could make all the difference to your WordPress site. Make the most of their creativity and input, and you’ll be glad you ventured down this route. As anyone who manages WordPress hosting will tell you, there’s no substitute for the experience that’s just a call or click away.
Just Writing
When you want to create a landing page you need to have the right tools at your disposal, which is why Just Writing is well worth a closer look. It’s a WordPress plugin that basically blocks out all distractions for you with the click of a button, leaving with you with nothing else to do other than write. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
Factor in studies that have shown that a 30 second check of your email or Facebook can impair your cognitive function for up to 30 minutes, and you can see just how much of a difference Just Writing will make.
Revision Control
If you want to be able to stay on top of all the various different pages that you’re working on, then this could be the plugin that you’ve been waiting for. It allows you to see the status of dozens of different jobs at a glance, and then assign them to members of your team. This is especially useful if you’re not all based in the same physical office. By centralizing everything you will be able to ensure that your deadlines never slip, and that you can run a WordPress site that you can be proud to call your own.
If speed is the name of the game, Jetpack has everything covered. It enables you to automatically check everything from spelling and grammar, to double negatives and the dreaded passive voice. If you want text that just works, and you don’t want to have to spend hours debating the Oxford comma, then this could be a plugin that saves you hours of headaches on the weekends.
Other Great Tools You Need to Know About
Take a look at a few of the other honorable mentions we’ve uncovered, and then see which ones you find work best when you integrate them into your site!
GrabMyEssay gives you access to dozens of highly skilled writers who will be able to add some creativity to your text.
PrePost SEO allows you to optimize your posts for SEO before you come to post them so that you can fine tune things
Hot Essay Service is ideal when you’re looking to quickly generate highly specialized content.
Editorial Calendar is a plugin that allows you to stay on top of your workflow, and plan so that you always have a steady stream of new content for your readers.
Supreme Dissertations are primarily focused on lengthy texts that are ideal for things like white papers and technical explanations on your site.
SEM Rush is another great tool for putting the finishing touches to your SEO before going live. It will even recommend specific keywords, and keyword densities that you need to target if you want to stand out from the crowd.
Is Accurate is ideal if you want to make your site multi-lingual with the minimum of effort on your part.
Now that you’ve seen all of the writing tools that are on offer, all you need to do is choose one to try first, and then get ready to take your site to the next level.
About the Author
Bridgette Hernandez is interested in writing and planning to publish her own book in the near future. She finished her studies last year but is already a true expert when it comes to presenting a text in a creative and understandable manner. The texts she writes are always informative, based on qualitative research, and pleasant to read.