6 Ways To Market A Financial Service App On Any Social Media

Social media is catering to every niche, even in the finance sector too. From banks to affiliate marketers for financial services, everyone is competing to gain the extra edge with their mobile apps that attract attention for the feasibility they offer.

The reason why mobile apps are the game-turners is simple: 57% of the digital media usage comes from mobile apps. From the point of planning the app to developing and testing to the marketing point, each phase of the app’s journey counts. Even if you successfully launch the app on the app store or play store, you still have to compete millions to get noticed.

While several finance apps are making their mark in the industry and broadening their reach, here are a few things anyone can do to market their app on social media:

1. Cater To The Coming Generations

Talking about finances can be boring – especially when you are targeting the young generation. Though the idea of managing personal or business finances can be much of a burden for many, presenting the concept in a mixed media form is the best way to connect with your audience on a new level.

For instance, My EasyFi personal finance software caters to generations of all kinds. Whether you’re a student or a parent or even a senior enjoying their retirement phase, this app combines a mix of a variety of media, such as images, videos, and text content, to cover a wide range of topics on its social media. The topics include tips, stats, quotes and much more.

Cater To The Coming Generations

Here, the point of selling your services lies with how you cater to your audience. My EasyFi uses a different strategy for every social media to increase its reach to its customers. For that reason, a marketer aware of his targets should shape their social media voice to communicate effectively with potential customers.

2. Educate Your Followers

Education has been regarded as one of the active marketing strategies. Besides attracting the customers with incentives for using your financial app, delivering valuable content allows them to implement the content or instruction into their lives. Giving insights into the way they manage their finances or how they can use your app, you can create value for them.

Depending on what cohort of your audience you’re targeting, make sure you stay relevant to their level of financial education. For instance, if you’re targeting college students, your posts should be focused on tips to make the most out of their finances during student years, ideas to calculate their debts, news on student debt policies, and so on.

3. Focus On Your Customer Service

For mobile apps, especially the ones related to the finance sector, communicating with customers is a crucial aspect. What use it is if it can’t respond to customer queries and concerns in time?

The point of creating a customer service portal allows the app to troubleshoot the issues customers are facing. It also allows the development team on the backend to fix any bugs noticed by customers. However, if your customers are asking questions related to any part of your app or are reporting an issue, make sure they receive a timely response on social media.

You can also run contests to see how you can upgrade your app or what features customers would like to see. This step not only helps build trust but also delivers the thought of the finance app being genuine and fast.

4. Hire Influencers To Promote Your App

Influencers are everywhere these days – not because they’re famous and many people like them, but because they are potential sources of revenue generation. Instagram tops as the leading portal for having the most influencers and over two-third of marketers are willing to spend on Instagram influencers to reach their customers.

The stats might be accurate, but if your niche audience resides on another platform, you might try finding influencers there. You see, influencers can connect ideas and might help deliver financial knowledge to their following or share their experiences with the audience about how your app helped them save their finances. Also, make sure you’re going according to your budget to have your finance app promoted.

5. Use Creative Visuals

How can you use visuals for a mobile app on social media? Just like any other business or service. Creative visuals oriented toward the audience’s interest always make a mark. If you’re able to use the right channel and the right chunk of your audience, merging it with relevant content should get you more likes, clicks, retweets, following, or even the app download.

Allocate some time to find or create visuals that could be funny, inspirational, motivational, and informative. You can always use creative captions with your content so to pique your audience’s interest.

6. Invest In Social Media Ads

Whether you’re using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, you might see ads while scrolling through your feed. These ads aren’t random – they’re projected to a selected audience as per their interests. Of all the ways of promoting your financial app, social media ads offer a higher possibility to get noticed as 90% of the US businesses use social media ads for marketing. 

While ads hold great potential to reach your audience, you can’t project them to everyone. Depending on the needs and demands of your audience, you can use a robust paid campaign by combining related images or videos, a catchy caption, and a direct CTA to get your message across.

In the example below, Yahoo Finance implies providing financial information, which users can achieve using its app. Have a look.

Wrapping It Up

The world of digital marketing is brimming with resources and ideas you can use to promote your finance app efficiently. The primarypurpose surrounds your intention of helping your customers who are in search of finding value over social media platforms.

If your app is struggling, try a bit harder to see where your strategies are hurting your overall prospects and budget. If you’re able to implement the right strategy and use it for the right audience, your finance app will soon become a favorite.

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