Marketing is one of the best way to grow any business. No matter how great content content you have, or you are selling software or giving any kind of services, everything is useless without marketing.
There are endless options and ways to promote your goods. Social media marketing, email marketing, video marketing and all are good ways to market your products.
With the proper amount time and hard-work in the right direction, you can get your work done with ease. But, most of the new marketers on the board are new to this field. There is lot more competition online if you compare it with past and it keeps increasing day by day. Is this fast moving world of high competition, you don’t have much chances to do it right so you must do it in one shot without making any mistake.
So here are some mistakes that all you should avoid as a marketer.
1. Not Focusing on SEO
SEO is an important part of your marketing so you should use your SEO knowledge. These days everyone is trying to get a high rank on the first page because the search engine is the best way to get traffic on the site. Google and other search engines can give an insane amount of good and organic traffic.
Most companies avoid using SEO as a tool because they think it is quite difficult to learn the whole process of ranking in search engines and on the other hand, most SEO firms charge a big amount of money for their SEO services, which is not always true.
2. Not Having a Blog
Many marketers think that blogs are useless for their business if they want to sell their products but it’s not true. Blogs can give more traffic on your site and also some of the users might be interested in your products from all the traffic.
If you will do some research and look at all the top 500 companies, you will find that each company has a blog page. With blogs, you can better communicate with your readers and propagate your ideologies through the blog posts. By interacting with your readers, you can build trust and reputation that help with sales and new customers.
3. No Social Networking
If you think that social networking also useless then you need to change your thinking about social media marketing. Especially, if you are a marketer then you can use social media for marketing of your products. Social networking websites such as Facebook have traffic in a large amount and you have a very high probability to drive them to your product, which increases the potential of future customers. Also, with social media marketing, you can make your product viral if you have many followers.
4. No Local Search Optimization
Local search is also a big thing in the business world because local people from your area want your product and services so you need to optimize your site according to local searches then your local customer easily finds you. These people have more potential as a customer than people coming from other marketing places. Every company is working hard to rank high in local search engine results because they know the value of local searches.
5. No Guest Posts
A Guest Post is an article written and posted on someone else’s blog. When you write something on your own blog it’s just a “post”, but when you write for someone else’s blog, It will be a “guest post”. Guest posts are the best tools for making the reputation of your domain and also many reasons such as getting your brand mentioned or occupying branded search query results.
Posting gust post on top websites who get more than a million hits per month that will be too helpful for you. If you can land your piece of content on some top sites, you will be instantly blessed with hundreds of visitors.
6. Not Speaking at Conferences
A conference is a place where bloggers and business owners come and also the best place where you can meet people, share your thought and promote your product. proves to be a great platform to generate more sales. Chances for you that bloggers will start posting about your brand and more visitors will come without spending a penny. You should use this opportunity for branding yourself.
7. Not networking with others
Even if you are afraid to communicate with people then it is a disadvantage for you so you need to increase communication skills. You need to start attending seminars, webinars, and conferences. Remember, many other people also come there, you can build long-term relationships with them. Marketing is not a one-man show, you have to collaborate with others then it will be more helpful.
8. No Affiliate Marketing
Generally, Affiliate Marketing is used to generate money. But, it’s a great way to promote the products because there are many freelancers who are looking for affiliate opportunities to make money they will make posts about products and share on social media. Many new and small scale businesses prefer affiliate marketing as a source of publicity. For a small commission of your profits, bloggers will promote your products.
9. Never Cutting Your Prices
Cut prices and give a discount is a good strategy to make more sales, almost all businesses apply this core principle to attract more customers. this is a common strategy that always works for everyone.
We have described all the common mistakes that you should avoid if you want to be a good marketer. Just do the opposite of the all of above. make your own strategies to be a successful marketer.