Social media is the great place for marketing your brand, product or even content of your website or blog. It’s becoming important part of business strategy, most of the businesses and brands are now considering social media as their top priority for marketing. Sharing is really a big deal in the world of Social Media so it is very important to make social sharing easier for visitors.
To encourage your visitors and make sharing easier, there must be some sharing buttons with your amazing content. It’s best way to get your content shared various social media platforms, via email or other channels. Many website owners will definitely agree that sharing buttons are really useful after knowing its importance, sometimes they don’t know how to integrate it in a WordPress website or blog but Thanks! to various WordPress developers across the globe for creating so many WordPress plugins and made it simple for webmasters.
There are lots of WordPress plugins available if you search for “Social Share Buttons“. It would be very difficult to choose one, so we are sharing one of the best plugin for you to integrate in your blog or website.
Social Share Button WordPress Plugin – this is a great & easy to use plugin which comes with 8 different social buttons and many configuration & settings. With the help of this plugin, you can change or select button layout. It has different types of button layouts, sharing strategy, themes, custom labels etc. There are options for Hide & Show, Button Link, sharing icons on post “before content” & “after content”. This Social Share Button Plugin is based on JS which makes it fast and responsive.
Download and Activate Plugin
Social share button is a premium plugin so you need to purchase it Here. After signup and payment, you can download it directly from your member control panel.
After downloading it, there are two ways to integrate in your website, one is through FTP and other is through your website admin dashboard. Which is shown in screenshot below.
You will find “Plugins” menu in your dashboard WordPress website. Click on “Add New” from “Plugins” menu. It will show you “Upload Plugin”option, here you need to upload .zip plugin file. Activate it after upload.
In FTP method, you need extract plugin .zip file and copy it to \wp-content\plugins using any FTP client you like. After copy, it will directly show you option to activate plugin in “Plugins” menu. Activate it.
Plugin Configuration & Settings
Social Share Button plugin has many configuration and settings like Show/Hide, Custom Button Text, Show/Hide Label, where you want to display share count:Inside, outside or hide etc. It also gives you options to change button font size, design and theme.
Social Sharing Button Settings
A) Choose an icon display position of the social share buttons after/before post.
B) Select icon display position of the social share buttons after/before the page.
C) Social sharing button hide & show.
D) Show & hide label icon.
E) Choose to show share count on buttons.
F) Choose share strategy for buttons.
G) Choose button theme like a classic, minimal, plan, flat.
H) Choose the font size for the button.
I) Choose button design like a round or box.
J) Click “Save Settings”.
Preview – All Social Share Buttons With Box Design
Preview – Selected Social Share Buttons with “After Content” Setting
Social Share Button Plugin could be an important part of effective website as it helps in providing good experience for your visitors or readers. It helps readers to share your page or post quickly and easily. When your content is shared on various social media networks, it increases exposure to your content. It improves reach to your targeted market and also influence SEO Benefits.
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://awplife.com/wordpress-plugins/social-share-buttons-wordpress-plugin/” text=”Purchase Plugin” window=”new” linktitle=”Buy Social Share Button Plugin” ]