If you are about to start with a blog or a website, WordPress is a great option for you. It is exceedingly easy to use, comes with an enormous number of premium quality free themes and plugins, which is great because your creativity could come on point. The price of hosting is very affordable and many hosts provide for easy one-click installation of WordPress. Why this is great? Nowadays, if you aren’t online – you don’t exist. Many entrepreneurs need a good, affordable website that is easy to use, but they do not know how to program in HTML, CSS, and PHP. WordPress is the best choice as it offers excellent customizability even if you are a complete newbie.
In this tutorial, we will try to help you to establish a functional and great WordPress site. Interface is very friendly and easy to use, and you don’t need to have prior experience in coding necessary (that can save you tons of money). So, ladies and gentlemen, here we go.
1. Fist of all: Pick a name for your website
When creating a website picking a name is probably the most fun aspect of the whole process. But it’s not that easy – even if you’re free to choose whatever name you want there are still some things you need to think if you want success for your website.
Your domain is your brand, so for your domain name try to use some phrase or word that has already defined your work. That’s how people can easily connect the domain name with you and your business.
A domain name should be unique – easy to write and remember, and also simple to read. Also, it should link your site to your business and what’s visitors expect to see when they read the name. For example: if you are doing anything connected to jewelry, your domain name should include ‘jewelry’ because it will be more memorizable, and more connected to your business.
2. Buy a domain name and hosting
When you create a domain name, choose a provider that will meet all your requirements. The domain registry must be affordable, reliable and a good option for your website. Usually, you can register a unique domain name at the same time while purchasing a hosting provider.
According to reviews, Hostinger is a perfect option for WordPress websites. It offers you both hosting and domain registration, with 24/7 support, enhanced security and 30-Day money-back guarantee in case of any problem.
3. Install WordPress

Technically, you can install WordPress manually, but today many web host providers offer you 1 click installation, which is more practical, and easier. With installation via hosting provider, all you need to do is fill some simple form, go to a web hosting control panel and, after entering your details that’s it. You don’t have to be a programmer to run a perfect WordPress website.
4. Get familiar with WordPress User Panel
After login, you need to get familiar with all WordPress glory – User Panel. In one place you can find everything you need to know about running a website: how to set your website title and tagline, were to create a Welcome message, upload images, set permalinks, moderate comments, pages, and posts, etc.
5. Creative process: pick and install a theme for your website
WordPress themes are easy to install, and then you can also change them in the future if you want to. Don’t worry – if you change the theme at some point, only your presentation will change, not the content of your website.
There’s a huge abundance of WordPress themes – for most users, free themes are a great option to start with. You can find impressive features and all you need to do is to pick the perfect for your presentation. You can also find a bunch of paid themes with more features, but if you are just about to start your own website, features of free themes are just enough.
You can check the themes and pick some to see how it would look. When you choose the perfect theme for you, you can run it by one click. And that’s it! We told you it’s simple.
6. Customize the theme and create basic pages
It’s almost done! Now you should still do some basic customizations to make it fit your needs. The best thing about WordPress website is that you really can do everything all by yourself.
Go to Appearance → Customize. You’ll see the main WordPress Customizer interface. Here you can customize your homepage (change the background image, the title, etc.), ’About’, ’Contact’ section, add more pages, change typography, colors and everything you want.
7. Set up plugins
Plugins usually run behind the scenes to keep the site safe and fully functional. WordPress already comes with plugins, but there are also some basic plugins you should add for security, cache, backup, and SEO. You can find them under the ’Plugin’ option of the menu.
Congratulations! You’ve just learned basic hosting for a WordPress website! Once you enter a WordPress dashboard you will discover enormous possibilities of customizing and playground for all your creativity that will help you to make your business more visible and better. Good luck!