Top 10 Newsletter Plugin For WordPress

Top 10 Newsletter Plugin For WordPress

For your online business, building an email list is one of the most important thing. It helps you to reach audience directly, the audience that already shown their interest to continue to listen to what you have to offer. The question is, How do you build this list? it…

Best WordPress Affiliate Plugins

Best WordPress Affiliate Plugins

Let me give you a quick look at what is Affiliate Marketing and how it works, before listing out the best Best WordPress Affiliate Plugins. How does affiliate marketing work? In simple words, Affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable way to make money online. When you refer someone to…


Daron Free WordPress Theme Setup

1) Download and Activate Login into your WordPress website admin dashboard. Go to the Appearance > Themes > Add New Check the highlighted area into screenshot.   On Add Themes page type the “Daron” into the Search box, WordPress will display the Daron theme into search result and click on the Install button   After…

Top 10 Free Portfolio WordPress Themes

Top 10 Free Portfolio WordPress Themes

Here is some Free Portfolio WordPress Themes for your websites. This is great collection of the 10 best portfolio WordPress themes specially for creative professionals, photographers, artists or anyone who would love to showcase their work in stunning way. All these are responsive and premium quality themes and fully…

WordPress with ReactJS Profit or Loss

WordPress with ReactJS: Profit or Loss?

In the current time, WordPress is gaining appraisal across the globe for its latest release of Gutenberg editor for its block editing feature. The surprising part of this editor - ReactJS functions as a backend. ReactJS had taken the community of WordPress developers to surprise by introducing the Calypso…

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