Have you ever poured over analytics looking for any statistic that indicates your business is about to take an upswing? If you don’t see evidence of an upturn, it’s pretty normal to become discouraged and consider throwing in the towel.
More business owners than anyone cares to admit face low periods in their businesses. Their owners know they have an excellent product or service but it’s hard to get customers to notice. It’s tempting to hire more staff, buy the latest tech or invest money to remodel your building.
There’s one problem. All those improvements are expensive and mean you’ll spend money you probably don’t have.
If your budget is tight, using marketing tactics to drive sales is one of the best ways to fan the flames and reach success. To be more exact, one of the best tactics is blogging.
Why is blogging such a good idea?
Here’s a list of reasons explaining why blogging is a great marketing tactic you shouldn’t pass up.
1. Blogs allow you multiple ways to present content
Blogs are a viable way to incorporate other types of media into your blog content. Include demonstration videos of your product or service readers can click on and add comments and questions. You could also insert photos and graphics or attach PDF files to provide more information.
2. Blogs can be shared
When you provide social sharing buttons, customers can share your information on social media platforms or with family and friends. Just as important, you can attach blog content to your business newsletter, RSS feeds, emails, webinars, videos, and other types of media.
When you use every available digital voice, you multiply your business’s exposure to new customers.
3. Blogs provide a track record
Use a web analytics service, like Google Analytics, to track your blog’s performance. You can use the data to adjust your marketing efforts and reach the right customers for your business.
4. Blogs help drive traffic

By using the right keywords, you help rank your blog to reach more people. Along with search engine optimization, adding fresh content regularly to index new pages also creates more traffic.
5. Blogs are low-cost marketing options
Most websites incorporate a space devoted to blogging. You could also set up a separate blog URL exclusively reserved to publish product and service-related information.
Sites, like WordPress, and purchasing a domain name costs roughly $100 per year. Additionally, you may prefer paying someone to designs your blog, purchase paid plugins and a blog theme, and invest in email marketing software and social media tools.
Because you own the blog, you can set it up any way you want without needing approval by third-party social media outposts.
6. Blogs resonate with buyers
According to a 2018 report by Constant Content, blogging is considered the 5th most trusted source for accurate information.
In other words, blogs are one of the go-to ways for customers to find out about a product or service. A blog helps you to brand what you sell to attract buyers and stay ahead of the competition.
7. Blogs help you advertise
Rather than hand over money from your business to an ad agency, you can use blog content to advertise what you sell. Without sounding salesy, you can focus on your products and services and let readers know what they’ll gain.
8. Blogs improve customer relationships
When you have a list of email subscribers and other followers, you can keep your customers informed of product launches, promotions, and other events.
By connecting with your customers often, you build lifelong relationships and can respond to comments and questions. When you invite feedback from them, it’s another way to improve your current product or service or develop new ones.
9. Blogs display your expertise
If you work in the sphere for quite a while, you`ve likely developed a set of certain skills and had experience dealing with numerous cases that can qualify you as an expert. Now, you can share this knowledge via the blog. But remember. No matter how valuable the information you share, the reading you provide still has to be well-written, eye-catching and engaging. Cooperate with professional writers, content strategists, and designers for best results.
So where do you go from here?
If you’ve never blogged before, here’s your chance to combine your business and marketing goals into one concerted effort to make a profit.
In addition to blogging, why not implement other marketing tactics? There are some inexpensive or no-cost ways to highlight and promote your products and services.
Doing nothing really isn’t an option, especially when there are ways to boost your business without dipping into cash.
So, are you ready to start a blog? What will your first blog post be?