How To Make Money With WordPress

What is the goal of your WordPress usage?

To learn something new? In order to get experience? Or is it simply because your unending enthusiasm for WordPress motivates you to make the most of it?

So, whatever your goal is, I think you do have a reason for it. However, I believe most people would agree on one answer: “to make a livelihood.” When it comes to the question I asked above, this should be the most popular solution. Why? Consider how much you can earn! An average WordPress developer may charge up to $50 per hour, according to some popular sites! So, if you’re already making a living from WordPress, understanding how to optimise your revenue is a good idea. And if you need additional guidance and inspiration along the way, look into Udemy’s WordPress courses.

It’s also why I’m writing this blog with you! 

You may believe, like I did, that generating money through WordPress is out of reach. The reality is that as long as you have appropriate talents, nothing can stop you from making money! Especially when there are numerous ways to make a living with WordPress, which typically fall into three categories: first, earning revenue directly from your WordPress blogs by selling products, advertising, and so on; second, developing WordPress themes and plugins; and third, providing WordPress professional services.

Isn’t it a little puzzling? Don’t be concerned! Here are the top ten ways to make money using WordPress that we have picked for you:

  • Make WordPress Themes
  • Build WordPress Plugins
  • Start Consultation Service
  • Work as a Content Writer
  • Provide Paid Membership as well as Content
  • Start the Blog Setup Service
  • Build a Blogging Community
  • Provide Support and Maintenance
  • Put E-Commerce to your advantage
  • Create Your Own Blogging Website

1) Make WordPress Themes

Let’s start with the biggest money earners! Who might they be? Of course, we’re talking about web designers and developers! A talented site designer or developer may easily make a fortune designing WordPress themes. When I say “skilful,” I don’t mean that you have to be a top-tier designer to earn a lot of money. What you must keep in mind is the intent of your clients and audience. Make it obvious to yourself who you are targeting while making a sales theme; else, no one will come buy your stuff.

Not sure if you’re bold enough to go it alone? In such instances, you can form your own team to work with, or you can actually join a team/company that’s been in the industry for a while. You will earn money while also gaining valuable experience from your colleagues if you do it this way.

In terms of marketplaces for your items, Themeforest, Creative Market, and Mojo Marketplace should be your top three choices.

2) Build WordPress Plugins

What makes building and selling plugins a multibillion-dollar industry? Well, as you can see, the number of WordPress websites has increased rapidly in recent years, and each particular website requires the installation of numerous plugins in order to work properly. With this in mind, the WordPress community has created a huge number of plugins. Even though most of them are free, there are plenty of others that are not. What exactly does this imply? Obviously, dollars!

But, how can you develop WordPress or WooCommerce plugins that guarantee consistent earnings? Consider some of the issues that WordPress still faces. Second, seek solutions to them. Then, convert those solutions into plugins, and clients will flock to you. You should also take the effort to examine and learn from current plugins that generate excellent money.

The final piece of advice I have for you is to “concentrate”! Rather than attempting to tackle all difficulties at once, you should concentrate on a single requirement.

3) Start Consultation Service

Who would you turn to if you have WordPress issues or want to grow your WordPress business? Luckily! WordPress gurus! As a result, if you are already a self-proclaimed WordPress expert (or, more modestly, someone who understands a lot about WordPress), let’s start making money by starting a consulting firm! You may need to establish a service selling website in your new position as a web specialist. Being a WordPress consultant, on the other hand, will necessitate a strong understanding of plugins. So, when you’re putting together your list of plugins, make sure that at least a few of them allow you to construct landing pages using the landing page WordPress theme, because you’ll need that expertise for your consulting business.

Another suggestion is to give your services for free to WordPress’s important individuals. Furthermore, ask for input on whether they like it or not, and/or post some feedback on their personal websites. Because customers trust these top bloggers, their aid will surely increase your sales.

4) Work as a Content Writer

Do you have good writing skills and a good understanding of WordPress? If this is the case, providing a content writing service may be a good decision!

Visit the following websites to seek WordPress-related writing jobs: ProBlogger Job Board, peopleperhour, or upwork. Several well-known WordPress blogs and websites also include a contributor application page. You may submit your content and get paid for them there. Producing content relies on your creativity, which is fueled by information, yet writer’s block may be tough at times. That’s why it’s always a good idea to use tools like Frase to help you push the material in the direction your audience wants, as well as a plugin like Linguix to check that your grammar, punctuation, and style are correct.

5) Provide Paid Membership as well as Content

Assume you have a WordPress website with a large number of devoted readers and you frequently supply them with free material. It’s now time to start earning money by displaying some “premium” material for members exclusively! Offering either a one-time or recurring membership charge will generate a sizable cash flow if and only if the premium material you create is both engaging and helpful.

Keep in mind that this type of material must be genuinely helpful! When someone is prepared to pay for your material and purchase an essay from you, you must give them the finest you have to offer, or they will leave, or worse, shun your website!

Some examples of premium WordPress content typically involve: Detailed lessons demonstrating how to do a tough task; Private chat sessions with you, the page’s author, or webinars that are exclusively available to subscribers; If you sell items, you can charge a “member only” pricing.

It is to remind you that you will only be able to generate money from your premium membership and content if what you offer is worth paying for!

6) Start the Blog Setup Service

Is it possible to generate money using WordPress if you are a novice with little expertise in the field? Yes, absolutely. You may earn money by providing blog setup services! There are a lot of individuals out there that want to use WordPress but have no idea how to do it. As a result, they select the blog setup service. But, precisely, what does a blog setup provider do? The first step is, obviously, to install WordPress, followed by the theme and, lastly, the plugins of choice.

Simply establish a blog setup service website and drive traffic to it using banner or paid advertising to acquire clients.

7) Build a Blogging Community

To be frank, this kind of income may be limited to WordPress blogs with the largest traffic and degree of popularity. However, it also assures the greatest income flow! Thus, to establish a blogging network with paid access!

Have a popular WordPress blog with a large visitor volume? Don’t squander its existence! Rather, use the opportunity to turn it into a multisite network where individuals must pay to put up a personal blog. The method of making it happen is not overly complex. To begin, you must enable Multisite on your WordPress installation. Then, install a plugin like Pay to Blog to charge your clients before they can begin blogging.

8) Provide Support and Maintenance

A personal WordPress website wouldn’t really require it, however when it comes to a commercial website, there is a significant requirement for maintenance and support service. So that’s why WordPress gurus are constantly in demand!

So if you’re a skilled WordPress developer, you may completely offer this type of service, along with sub-services such as: Web servers, performance, and code optimization; WordPress high-level support; WordPress theme and plugin upgrades, as well as compatibility testing.

WordPress Buffs is one of the most dependable and genuine maintenance services we can suggest.

9) Put E-Commerce to your advantage

WordPress can accomplish a lot of things, and one of the finest examples is e-commerce. So, let’s suppose you have a talent for producing paintings and want to display your work to the world while still making a career from it. How will you do that? Simple! Create your own WordPress E-Commerce website by utilising fantastic plugins such as WooCommerce.

10) Create Your Own Blogging Website

While there are many different methods to generate money with WordPress, one common characteristic among them is a WordPress website or blog. Whatever you want to achieve, you will need your own WordPress blog.

You may, for example, create a services page on your blog to show what you can provide. On some other page, you might display your portfolio of similar items and, if necessary, provide testimonials. Aside from this site, you should broaden your network circle by establishing friends with famous bloggers in order to get additional views and customers. When your site becomes well-known, new ways to earn money will emerge, such as affiliate marketing, selling advertising, sponsored reviews, and so on.

Matter of fact, making money with WordPress is not difficult if you have the necessary abilities and determination!

A WP Life
A WP Life

Hi! We are A WP Life, we develop best WordPress themes and plugins for blog and websites.