The world has already become more online, than off-, so now creating software for any business is a must-have. The only question is whether to look for developers in some geographically close area or hire them online and if so, to look for full-stack individuals or established groups. Software development outsourcing is currently growing, and here are the reasons why more and more companies prefer to hire a remote software development team, either from job platforms such as Upwork or tech recruitment agencies specialized in recruiting remote developers such as DistantJob.
- Remote software development happens online – that is, worldwide. For the client, it allows working with people from any place on Earth. The international open market in any sphere is very competitive, so hiring remote team automatically means getting if not world-class, then at least above-average developers. Moreover, being a remote developer for some time makes the use of management-helping methodologies a habit – speaking of teams, the most prominent one is Scrum framework, known for its unique applicability to any collaborative project, from HRIS software to e-commerce platforms.
- By Scrum rules, the team adheres to its knowledge in the process of development, learning and gaining skills on demand. This allows the team to be cross-functional and distribute roles and responsibilities most adequately. It makes an experienced team almost omnipotent, and even if the software you want to develop is very special, there exists a bunch of teams matching it perfectly. When the process also includes the development company’s participation, it becomes even more beneficial. Companies like Brightgrove.us hold the collection of the best programmers in a region, all used to using Scrum, allowing to gather them in teams effectively working within any framework and project requirements.
- Scrum proves: the team sized around 7 people is sufficient to deliver valuable increments to the product. That is why teams meeting the highest quality standards are given the relative freedom in what they do, but the result is always readily evaluated at the end of every Sprint by its simple comparison with the goal stated at the beginning.
- Being result-oriented, Scrum teams aren’t interested in the software building process prolongation, so they are much more likely to release the product as fast as possible, thus reducing the waiting time for the client and customers.
- Though the remote team frequently faces differences in time zone and job culture, Scrum tools make the process surprisingly easy. From Daily Scrum to Sprint Review, in each period or level of the development cycle, these programs provide planning and readiness control, thus releasing time for actual Sprint goal-achieving work instead of writing reports. Information on what has, is, and will be done for the current element implementation, is available in real-time for the team, the Product Owner, and even the client. Therefore, an inspection is constant, but at the same time somewhat subtle, making this kind of development less stressful for everyone.
- With flexibility as notable business value and Agile as the trending approach, it is common these days to remake details or even key features of the software on the fly to make it closer to the customers’ preferences. Remote teams in Scrum build software piece by piece, which makes it relatively easy to adjust the product to the market situation.
- As products and goals differ much from case to case, it may be necessary to have more than one team working on the software. Luckily, Scrum Teams are self-organized units, so they can either elaborate new features without relying on others or collaborate with another team(s) on a large project. Strategic decisions and responsibility assignments are addressed in regular meetings, ensuring everyone shares the same idea of the overall project architecture and tactical tasks.
- Remote developers from other parts of the globe differ in their rates per hour or task. Team of development engineers from Eastern Europe will cost significantly less than from the USA, and the quality level may turn out even higher, as in the case of Ukraine known by its technical education. Choosing developers from other countries saves money.
- For the future product owner, dealing with a remote team means no disturbances with their working space, management, detailed schedule, and coffee appliances. Even having the development department in the company and wanting to add some extra coders, one can’t widen the staff eternally while staying in the same place. Office premises could be really expensive, and even if you have an empty five-floor building in property – why pay the bills for electricity? This may sound cruel, but you can just let the programmers live wherever they already are and pay for their cookies themselves.
- Scrum teams are learning in the process not only for the client to make the product better but also for the team members to become better specialists and communicators. That`s why hiring a self-sufficient remote team means you as a client invest in human capital further growth and help the world’s development in general.