Minecraft is an iconic game with many opportunities to build and explore. But what about adding a new dimension to this game? Mods are the best for opening new horizons in Minecraft by introducing various options and items. While waiting for the Hytale news and final announcement of the Hytale release date, thousands of fans of the cube adventure can embrace Minecraft as an excellent alternative.

Creative Mods
Creative mods are the best choice for players who like trying something new, redesigning, and improving the environment. Also, these mods allow accessing new materials and furniture.

Carpenter’s Block
As no Hytale news is available so far, Minecraft with creative mods can become a great substitute for the most anticipated cube game. Of course, cubes are good for building, but when it comes to slopes, you need other materials. Carpenter’s blocks make it possible to add slopes, torches, flowerpots, doors, and buttons. This mod will help customize any texture of the block.
Decocraft is a mod for players who need a variety of decoration options. According to the latest Hytale news, it will have hundreds of building and decorating features. As for Decocraft, it adds different types of furniture and other items to the Minecraft world. After installing the mod, you will have access to tables, chairs, kitchen sink, stuffed toys, beer kegs, and so on.
Pig Manure
This mod fits the most for those who are keen on agriculture. If you have pigs, Pig Manure will help you collect one more useful resource, which is pig’s poo. These steaming piles are perfect for fertilizing crops or even producing bricks. All you need is to fire them to get new bricks.
Interface Mods
As the fans look through Insider.Games and speculate “when will Hytale release date be finally known?”, they can try their hands in the world of Minecraft. Besides, its interface mods aim to make the gaming process more pleasant and exciting. Listed interface modifications will help you improve some features of the game.

JourneyMap is the best option for those who like to enter the Minecraft world. But it will also be useful for almost every gamer, as it maps the world you explore, adds points of interest, and even warns a player about a danger. After installing the mod, the map will be available full-screen, in an external web browser, and in a miniversion. As the Hytale release date is still unknown, the fans can delve into the world of Minecraft with the help of this feature.
WAILA or “What Am I Looking At” is a great mod, especially when you have various mods. After installing it, all you need is to point at a block, and you will discover what kind of material it is or what the mod it is. Also, you can identify the state of the block using WAILA.
Controlling is quite a simple but amazingly useful mod. It helps the player manage controls in many different mods. The controlling mod provides a search bar to look for the necessary keybinding just by typing the keyword. Besides, you’ll be able to fix the overlapping keybindings.
Minecraft Better Exploration Mod
Exploration mods are for those players who prefer the life of a nomad. They open new horizons, provide access to new worlds, and add new tools. Here is a list of the most useful exploration mods.

LotsOMobs works to enrich the Minecraft world and make the mobs more realistic. Thus, squid and chickens won’t be the only creatures — you will see elephants, giraffes, dinosaurs, and narwhals. Before the players know the Hytale release date, Minecraft can also impress them with its modified features. Undoubtedly, LotsOMobs makes the world very realistic and rich in different animals.
Galacticraft is a mod aimed to help the players travel around the entire solar system. This mod unites compelling missions that reward players with a variety of opportunities. After installing it, you will be able to build a moonbase, fight on Mars, or pimp out a spaceship. All in all, this mod fits perfectly the fans of space exploration.
For most better exploration mod in Minecraft, portals are quite problematic. The players cannot see the world they are going to enter, along with the danger it hides. BetterPortals is a mod that serves for recreating the portals to see the world you want to join. So, this mod really breaks the dimensions.
Expansive Mods
Expansive mods are quite large, and they require significant time to master the substantial changes in Minecraft. It is better to install one or two of these modes simultaneously. Here you can find some of the best expansive mods to enrich your world with new experiences.

Draconic Evolution
Draconic Evolution is a mod that opens new horizons in the world of Minecraft. After installing it, you will get access to various weaponry and armor. Also, this modification adds a weather manipulation system, crafting facilities, mob spawners, and teleports. Draconic Evolution is ideal for the Master of Survival.
Blood Magic
Blood Magic opens a dark side of Minecraft as this magic refers to ritualistic sinister arts. The mod introduces new mechanics and systems necessary for producing the power from the blood of mobs. After harvesting enough life energy, you can use this essence at the Blood Altar to craft new items. Blood Magic mod fits those players who suppose that Minecraft is a too vanilla game.
Automation Mods
These mods help the player mine and produce resources automatically. You will never be out of the resources. The listed mods imply a good opportunity to automate the majority of aspects within the game fully.

Rope Bridge Mod
When it comes to the most inconvenient features in the game, a chasm is the first thing that comes to mind. Players often waste a lot of time trying to jump up the highest mountain and avoid annoying gaps between the peaks. Rope Bridge mod provides a portable grappling gun, which helps build a bridge automatically at any location.
Big Reactors
Big Reactors is a mod that will definitely make you the master of the resources. It provides an opportunity to build massive and configurable reactors to cope with the needs of the industrial mods. Also, you’ll be able to regulate, monitor, and program the power station.
Final Words
All in all, various mods enhance the gaming process by adding many new options, items, and features. So, if you want to make Minecraft more engaging, employ these mods and enjoy the result.