Plagiarism is one concern getting worse day by day. A lot of cases are reported of self and accidental plagiarism which means anyone can be a victim of content thieving one way or another. Whenever you publish content you might get accused of stealing someone’s content even if haven’t done it.
There is a need for plagiarism checker before publishing content online to proofread your text to let you know and decrease any chances of plagiarism to zero.
In addition to this, you may have seen different websites offering free and subscription-based plagiarism checker for your work. Choosing the best for your precious work is difficult for newbies.
Here are some of the best plugins that you can use in WordPress and get rid of plagiarism:
- Copyfight
- Free Online Plagiarism Checker
- DMCAprotectionbadge
- Grammarly
- Prepostseo
- Plagiarism Checker Pro
1. Copyfight
With high accuracy, Copyfight protects shortcode, pages, and posts. In addition to this, Copyfight provides incomparable defense against plagiarism. This plugin also prevents people who apt to steal email addresses, which is a unique feature as compared to other anti-plagiarism plugins.
Copyfight can be accessed from the WordPress dashboard. This is one of the best plugin available so far and provides a seamless experience to keep content safe.
2. Free Online Plagiarism Checker
Plagiarism can cause serious problems to your website’s SEO as plagiarism leads to duplicate content and which might affect the ranking of your site in the search engine due to Google penalties.
This plugin provides quality services which reduces this risk by checking for plagiarism and reducing the chances to zero. This plugin works directly with the posts in WordPress.
This plugin is easily available and can be used easily on WordPress to check drafted posts before it goes live.
3. DMCA Protection Badge
DMCA protection badge is a great way to get rid of potential thieves. All you have to do is just sign up for a free account and place the badge on your website pages. After signing up you’ll also get access to a secure portal where you can easily vie status of your web pages.
If you find someone using your content without proper access permission, DMCA offers takedown services that can be used to eliminate the content within a short period.
DMCA tool also provides services that can protect your images and videos, which is a must needed thing for content-rich websites.
4. Grammarly
This is one of the best tools available online. Grammarly not just provides exceptional services for grammar and punctuation mistakes but offers unmatched services for plagiarism as well.
Grammarly is easy to use. To compare your writing with other websites, simply just sign up using a free Grammarly account and copy-paste your content in the editor. After that, click on the circle that will be visible to you on the left-hand navigation bar. By doing this you will get to know if there is any website featuring the content as compared to your paper.
These options can only be used if you are a premium user of Grammarly. Grammarly monthly subscription is 29$ per month but if you pay quarterly it decreases down to 19.98$. This tool is however expensive but it’s certainly worth the investment if you check large quantity of content often.
5. Prepostseo
Prepostseo is a free online plagiarism checker tool that provides easy services to scan copy theft on the web. This plugin is easy to use. All you need is to just copy-paste your content and this tool will scan the whole text automatically and spot every cross-matching content with other sites.
The one advantage of this plugin is that it is free with no extra fee for any service. Everybody needs a tool for free with brilliant services. This is the best tool that is free and provides exceptional services to every user.
On the other hand, Prepostseo provides addition free services, such as an SEO score checker that analyze your site from every side and point out every possibility to increase your website’s domain and page authority. This is one additional service that makes it a unique plugin from others.
6. Plagiarism Checker Pro
Plagiarism Checker Pro is one of the fastest plagiarism checkers that can detect any duplicate content across the internet in seconds. It has more than 700000+ active installations as on date.
This is the fastest yet precise online checker as it only takes seconds to check and compare content. Using this tool you can find out the exact pages which have been copied from your genuine content.
This checker needs a subscription to use every service they provide, but you can only use the trial period free of cost. After the end of the trial for further use, you need to pay. There is a basic plan that costs only $5 per month which is not expensive and everyone can afford it.
Apart from speed this plugin also provides services such as:
• Using the slider section you can display plagiarized content on your website.
• You can check entire content by just copy and pasting links, paragraphs or
• The simple and flexible plugin, you can add this anywhere in your site’s
WordPress and check your content.
- Plagiarism is getting worse and many cases are reported for accidental and unintentional plagiarism.
- Proofreading content before publishing is important. There are many online tools that provide plugins for WordPress to check for plagiarism before uploading the content.
- Copyfight is one of the best tools that provide protection for shortcode, pages and posts and also provide defense against plagiarism as well. This tool is free and user-friendly.
- DMCA protection badge is a plugin that can be used to takedown plagiarists using your content on other sites. Using this tool you can also check the status of your web pages.
- One of the best online and offline tools to check grammar mistakes and also plagiarism. Grammarly is the most precise and effective tool to proofread your pages before publishing.
- Prepostseo not just automatically checks for plagiarism but can be used to checks SEO of site to properly increase your site ranking.
- Plagiarism checker pro is the fastest checker which checks for plagiarism in seconds. There are some monthly charges to use this tool after the basic trial period.